Mommy and Daddy dedimicated me to God at Westover Church today, on the 100th anniversary of Father's Day! Granny and Papa, Nana, Mommy Di and Papah, and Unkie Jay and Aunt Erica came to see me get up in front of the church with Mommy and Daddy! Pastor Don prayed for our family, and I was a little bit fussy because two other kids got to be dedimicated before me. I sure hope I grow into this dress, because it drags the floor when I walk around....

OK, I really do like my Aunt Stacey--I was just SO tired after my big morning. She surprised me with a visit and worked so hard helping with lunch for everyone (all the people I mentioned before, PLUS Aunt Lori, Uncle Scotty and my cousins Lorna and Hunter.

This is my new bestest friend Madeline Bea, but I call her Maddi. She was born on Father's Day to Mommy and Daddy's friends Glenn and Carli.

Holy Cow!! She's beautiful! I can't wait to have play dates and talk about icky boys with you, Maddi!!