Daddy calls me Punkin, but I don't know why! I'm a butterfly, silly Daddy!

Well, lookie here....I'ma standing up all by myself. And I'm holding this table up at the same time!!

I'm on a rampage! Don't get in my way, because I don't have any brakes!

This is my standard yoga pose - left leg under me, right leg out straight. I call it downward diaper.

Aunt Carli and Maddi joined us for some trick or treatin! Aren't we the cutest ever!

Trick or Treat! Hey, where'd my chocolate go Mommy!?!

Maddi says WAZZZAAAAAP ya'll!


Hey, gimme that you meanie pie! I'll never speak to you again if you don't let me have it!!


My Daddy plays soccer for the US National team, whatever that means. He loves to steal my sugars!