O-H-I-O. Mommy says that's the state where Grandpa and Nana were born....it's about an eight hour drive by car. That may be why I look a bit shell-shocked/

Nini's Dad sure loves me....he's a really nice man, and I like his soft sweater!

Great Aunt L should have never gotten those ringy dingy things out....

Aunt S, why did this little piggie go "WEE WEE WEE!" all the way home? I think I saw him on the Geico commercial.

Aunt Mia (because Margeaux is too hard to spell for most babies--not me!) is somewhere behind those sassy shades.

Uncle T is a cool dude. I want to grab his 'stache and see what happens....

Aunt L, wanna see what I look like with my tongue in my mouth? I know....silly.

Nana, come join us for a family pic!

On the dock at Pond in Oxford. Fishies!!

Wait....my bib says I love my RANDP???

Oh, I know....I love my GRANDPA!! hee hee

Back at Nini's place in Middletown...where's the rest of the family, Aunt S???

THERE THEY ARE!! Wow, that's a good looking bunch! See you next time we come up!
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