Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Daddy calls me Punkin, but I don't know why! I'm a butterfly, silly Daddy!

Well, lookie here....I'ma standing up all by myself. And I'm holding this table up at the same time!!

I'm on a rampage! Don't get in my way, because I don't have any brakes!

This is my standard yoga pose - left leg under me, right leg out straight. I call it downward diaper.

Aunt Carli and Maddi joined us for some trick or treatin! Aren't we the cutest ever!

Trick or Treat! Hey, where'd my chocolate go Mommy!?!

Maddi says WAZZZAAAAAP ya'll!


Hey, gimme that you meanie pie! I'll never speak to you again if you don't let me have it!!


My Daddy plays soccer for the US National team, whatever that means. He loves to steal my sugars!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My 1st Swing Ride

Cousin Hunter, quit tickling me!

What's going on Daddy? Why are you saying "ready....set....?"

WHOA WHOA WHOA! Who's gonna stop me???

Who am I kidding? This is awesome!!


I love my Mommy Di! She keeps me snuggly warm, and doesn't say a word when I want a piggie snack!

Seven Months & Lots of change!

This is my new look. When I'm trying to figure something out I push my tongue to the top of my lip and scrunch my face.

I got my 1st tooth around the 3rd of this month so I'm digging on all the great bites! Everything has a taste, and taste it all I must!!

OK, fake squashes don't have such a great taste. But I still have to make sure.

On the 5th of this month I started pulling myself up to stand. That's my favorite thing to do these days!

Hmm, grapes - these will fit in my mouth. Daddy says I would like real ones better, but there aren't any real ones here so these will have to do!

Around the 11th of this month I figured out how to sit up all by myself from laying down! I practiced in my crib and surprised mommy and daddy one morning!

This won't fit in my mouth. Mommy help me get this in my mouth please!

OK, everybody pick a different spot to stare at and say.....poopie diaper!

There, that's better. Say poopie diaper again anyway, because it's funny!

Lorna called Hunter a Punkinhead, then told a corny joke. I love corny jokes!

Aunt Erica & Cousin Ash are so pretty....I guess I got a lot of beauty to follow in the family.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Baby needs new pair of shoes!

What are these red things on my feet?

This is silly! Why can't I see my piggies, Mommy Di???

I know my piggies are in there somewhere! Tastes good!

Daddy's Birthday Again! Must be a special year! Hee hee!

Hunter, why you kissing on me? You're too sweet!

Hey, where did ya'll come from, ladies?

Now don't anybody blow Daddy's candles out, because he said I could do it. Daddy, what's your wish??

You say your wish came true on March 24? Aww, that's sweet Da...hey, what is that shiny thing?

Papah's Birthday too! You say YOUR wish came true on March 24 also??? Wow, what a coinci....hey Lorna, are you looking at my shiny thingy?!?!

What is that, Daddy? Texture is kinda funny....

Wait a sec....ICING. Oooh, I think I like my first taste of icing Daddy.